When the unthinkable happens…….

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Personal security is something everyone needs to be aware of, and prepared to manage. High profile, high level corporate, or high net worth individuals may be particularly vulnerable in the modern world, especially when they travel and have family or loved ones either with them or left behind at home to wait for them.

One of the best precautions in these circumstances is to be able to provide unchallengeable confirmation of an individual’s identity, using not just public records (which may or may not be available or even exist when needed) but with scientific and medical  data that is unquestionable. That data may be crucial when the need to identify someone becomes paramount, no matter the cause. With thousands of children and adults going missing every year, by accident, by domestic family stress, or through malfeasance, the availability of good images and scientific data to identify you and those important to you can be critical in helping bring about a happy ending.

For companies whose officers and staff travel to less stable world destinations, the stakes can be financially as well as personally high. Good preparation can help mitigate the damage to employees, their families, and the company business, and this starts with quickly being able to accurately identify the individuals and/or victims involved.  Often government databases and information sources that in the past were able to assist in victim identification are no longer available, making it harder to confirm victim identity. And, in the aftermath, corroborating trace evidence can also help bring perpetrators to justice.

PhotoBiometrics LLC now offers Personal Identity Confirmation Documents. These include detailed personal photographs specifically made to work with facial recognition software, fingerprint records,and DNA records. They can also incorporate information about bite templates, dental x-rays and records, medical conditions or prescription medications needed, unusual identifying marks, tattoos,  or any other health or identifying information likely to be useful in confirming identity of affected individuals and helping keep them safe. This kind of information is important to law enforcement and other agencies in bringing about successful incident outcomes, and bringing those perpetrating them to justice.

Individual packages can be customized to individual needs. All documents are delivered into client hands in both printed and electronic form, and not retained in any manner or form by PhotoBiometrics. Thus they are completely private for clients, easy to use when needed, and not available to be publicly compromised or publicized. For more information, contact us about a private consultation regarding this personal, family, or corporate security enhancement. You will never know in advance when you may need it.